Thursday, June 22, 2017

Be the good....

Let's be a little more kind..... more patient.... more grateful......   Let's be the good in the world.  


Summer, Summer, Summer!!

Oh!  I am LOVING summer!   I have spent days and days doing what makes my heart happy.  I have made clothes for the grand-babies... I have cleaned a closet or two.  I have organized my "place where I do stuff and everything gets dumped in here" room.... and I finally set up my drawing table near a bright window and put my pens, pencils, and STUFF into nice baskets and bins.... all at hand to use at my pleasure!  And it IS a pleasure!

Usually I play with "word art" as I sit on my bed in the evenings, watching t.v..... or listening to it... haha!

Usually the day is past evening and into the dark of night... and the light is ... well... a ceiling fan whirling making shadows dance and the glow of the t.v. in the background....

NOT the optimal lighting for an "artist"..... yes... I am an artist- haha!  but by day I am a teacher... so that hat gets the daylight hours.... and I sit, scrunched up on my bed, clip-board in hand... sketching out thoughts on paper...

*  Because it is mobile....
*  Because it is cheap.....
*  Because it can be done with any old pen and not much else.....
*  Because it lets my mind settle.....

*  Because it lets me be me..... an artist at heart..... just a little.....

Soooooo- usually I work in black ink.  I can SEEEEE black ink.   I also don't have to think too hard when I change from pen to pen- black ink is black ink.... but the nibs can vary.... Some nights I like a good old calligraphy pen.... Others- a lovely fine tipped micron.... etc... etc....... and of course- there is the brush pen.... thick, thin, fine point..... stiff.... soft....... etc.... etc.....

Do I have a lot of pens..... Why, yes I do..... a LOT of pens..... and many are black..... although..... yes.... I also have every color under the sun as well.... in every style...

Still.... I mostly use black.  

But this week...... THIS week I got a wild hair.... and broke out the colored pens..... and PENCILS..... Oh, no..... guess what!  Pencils also come in SUCH a variety.... of color, of style, of lead types... etc... etc.... but we won't go there for today.....

The point is this:

I am taking a breather from my "day job" and now- I can draw or doodle or paint (we didn't talk about painting..... no, we didn't.... but not today...).... or sew.... or cook.... or read......  (Did I mention I was loving summer!!!!!)  

Okay.... so.... here are some picts of some doodle-y-doos.....  and yes.... I actually sat at my drawing table.... and yes..... I used a splash of color...... YeeHaw!!!


Saturday, June 10, 2017

It's a new day!

It is the first week of summer break from school.  I must admit it is splendid!  I have been absolutely ITCHING to get my hands busy making things.... creating......

So I began.....
Of course.... IN THE GARDEN!

We still have NO yard .... I cannot control THAT.... but I can control what is in my tiny porch garden.... and now it is LUSH and beautiful.... and the beginnings of more....

Then I moved on to painting little wooden pegs for my grand-daughter.... She will love them.... They are simple but time consuming!!!! So... that is GOOD!  I put my hands into autopilot and then let my mind drift happily along as my hands worked.   My eyes are getting bad so I had to focus now and then to make sure all was well... but... my hands are well trained... and happy to be occupied.... and they do what they should do ..... create....

Then.... this morning.... (yes.... Wednesday of the first week of SUMMER!!).....
I cracked open my newest box from Amazon..... they love me there... I am there very BEST customer.... and they bring me gifts (that I buy for myself)...... and this morning the gift was MOST wonderful!!!! Seriously!!! LOVE LOVE LOVE!!!!! (feeling the love???)
OH this pen obsession.... I thought it couldn't be any better.... but these are positively delicious!
The bristles are delicately fine and the ink flows like none other.... I got RIGHT back onto Amazon and ORDERED MORE.... MORE.... MORE!!!!!  Yes I did...... The pack that came has 12 colors.... should be enough for live entertainment... but now I have a pack of 48 coming soon to join the party! I cannot wait!  (Gotta love Amazon Prime 2 day shipping!!! )

So..... as if THAT wasn't enough wonderfulness (yes I think that is a word.... if not.... it is now...)  .... I also, on a whim.... had ordered pencils..... EXPENSIVE pencils..... that were in my treasure box this morning.... I thought I would give them a go..... (WHO spends $22 on a box of 12 pencils??????)....... (apparently I do.... )   and..... unfortunately ..... I LOVE THEM too......... (sigh... I might have to order some MORE.... later... later..... must pace myself.... and my budget..... seriously!)

So... today is, indeed..... a GREAT day for a good day.......
