I am just loving life. I am feeling all creative and getting to do my thing! (Nothing like an artist filled with creative ideas... and no TIME to even try to begin! Right???) I am loving have the TIME .... T.... I....M... E !!!!!!
I have been posting my drawings and words on instagram and on Facebook for a long time...
NOT to sell.... just to ... SHARE. The feedback has been very positive. It gives me the warm fuzzies....
But.... today a sweet friend of mine asked me.... "WHY DON'T YOU SIGN THESE????!!!" and "WHY DON'T YOU WATERMARK THEM!!!"
Here is why......
****** I just never had the confidence in myself to sign them.... I never even gave a thought to it.... not much... (only when people ask me 'why'.... haha)......
And.... I did them for sheer enjoyment... nothing more....
But today got me thinking.... maybe, just MAYBE.... I should do a little something with them. I am an artist... (whew! That is ME talking about ME?) but I am .... and I make things.... lots of things.... because I enjoy it....
I really don't have all the background knowledge to SELL my items.... (It is the digital stuff..... how to do this... I don't know.....) What format do they have to be in??? What programs do I need to make it happen??? How do I WATERMARK???? (haha!)
************** and how do I go about selling my stuff??? How does one PRICE these things????
(no clue here.... none..... well..... almost none.....)
I don't want to sit at "craft shows" and hawk my wares..... I see the hunger in the eyes of vendors.... the pain when people just walk on by.... not interested.....
So- that leaves the internet....
And then I only see joy.... joy in the form of affirmation of my work as people buy things....
I sell on TpT- under "just judifer"- teacher stuff...... but after bouncing around like crazy for the last 2 years, I had to sort of put that on the back burner.... (2nd grade, 5th grade, 6th grade...... now.... back to 3rd......PING PONG BALL!!!! haha)..... but the teacher stuff is teacher stuff..... lesson plans, cool projects and other.....
NOT the straight up artwork that I like to do....(nothing wrong with teacher stuff.... NO NO NO!..... It's just not the same thing...)
Anyway...... here is my thought for today..... LOVE my friends! Near and far!