Saturday, October 22, 2016

Technology snaffoo and other stuff too

I feel like I dropped off the planet.... my wee laptop gave up the ghost and died.....
I haven't decided what to do to replace my trusty old friend... but I am finally getting creative with alternative choices without it.   Soooooo I tried using my husband's desktop..... and it works just fine... but it is a bit hairy about keeping my "stuff" separate from his "stuff"..... so I think I am going to have to break down and go looking for a replacement (computer- that is, not husband... just in case you were a bit confused there.)

In the meantime.... I am giving this iPad a go at this.... hopefully it does the job... even if there are a million typos due to the "help" it insists on providing me with..... with auto correct changing what I thought I wanted to say into something that would never come out of my mouth ....

Sooooo, on that note..... here is what I have been up to this weekend.  Just a little painted hand lettering to keep me out of trouble.  I am totally in love with how this turned out.  

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