Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Angels among us

We all have a lot to be thankful for.  I could focus on all the "stuff" that is not so great- because I have "stuff"... just like anyone, but today I am choosing to focus on the good.  We got a brand new grand-baby yesterday morning.  After some "scary bits" during labor, all ended well for both the baby and the mom.  We are grateful.  
Today is going to be spent with the older kids to pass the time whilst mom is still in the hospital.  We are going to bake cookies and decorate them.  Maybe we will make her a little gift.... (We will see how the cookie baking goes with a 2 and 4 year old!  haha! )  
In the meantime, I have a lovely pot of soup simmering and some cornbread ready to bake.  
Times like these make you feel thankful!  

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