Monday, February 27, 2017

Must be Marvelous Monday

We woke to yet another day of snow... the roads were treacherous and the wind was gusting.  I decided to focus on the good bits today....
I arrived to work safely.   The students were happy to be back.  We had a good day together.
All in all.... pretty good!  Yay!

A few funny things happened..... I got out of my car at work and opened my umbrella to help shield me from the snow coming down.... and RIGHT at that moment, the snow slid off the top of my car and....on to ME!  Yep.... a little snow heap right on my head and down my back.... haha!  BRRRR!  Shiver!   haha!

This afternoon I had bus duty- to watch to make sure that children are safe as they get on the afternoon buses...... and the weather was clear and bright. No snow coming down... no wind.... just cold and clear...... UNTIL...... the last few minutes before the busses were to pull away...... a BLIZZARD hit..... the wind blew with a mighty gust!!! WHOOSH!!!! and the snow that was piled in a tree some 15 or 20 feet behind me.... threw all the snow at me with gusto..... It was a white out moment... getting smacked with that snow and the wind about blowing me over.... I am sure it looked like a cartoon with my hair blowing straight out in front of me as I was blown off my feet..... I am sure it looked a sight!  Haha!!!! I gingerly made my way to the railing to hang on with both hands as I descended the sets of stairs heading back inside..... the snow and ice hitting my face as I went.....

Whew!!!! refreshing!!!!

haha!!  What a funny end to a good day.


Sunday, February 26, 2017

alphabet doodles

I have been playing around with lettering styles.  I have done this for years and years...... and years....
but rarely to do I snap a pic of them because they are just practice sheets... just imperfect- trial and errors.... but I realized that it might be of interest to others who need to know that it is okay to practice... okay to try something new... a new style or technique ....

and those practice pages can be a work of art, in and of themselves..

Wishing you the best sketch day ever!

Sunday musings

It is a lovely day today!  The house is warm and quiet.  The roast is already in the crock pot... the animals are curled up, already having a mid-morning nap.  Life is good.

Last night we celebrated the revealing of what our next grand baby will be... after 6 girls and 6 boys... it will be a tie breaker..... I love my little people!

Have the most lovely day!!!

Saturday, February 25, 2017

Fabulous February!

Can you even believe how fast the February is flying by??? All the crazy days of weather and snow and rain and warm and snow again???? Haha!  Mother Nature is keeping us guessing.  Gotta love it!

I am LOVING the LIGHT that is coming back into our mornings and evenings!  Loving it!  I am waking up anxious to get started on new things and I have been creating up a storm!

When the doorbell rings letting me know that more pens and inks have arrived, it fairly makes my heart flitter.  This week was spent trying out all sorts of new supplies and new techniques with them.  Yes!!

Let me share!

I did this one with zig pens. I love the graduated colors.  The pens write smoothly and the colors are perfectly graduated.  

 I got a new set of Pilot Parallel pens. I had NO idea what they were nor how they worked. I would call them fountain pens.  They come with ink cartridges.  I love using calligraphy pens- whether they are felt tip, fountain pens, or the traditional dip pens with nibs.  The only catch is deciding about color.

With cartridges you are deciding beforehand what size nib and what color- because after you insert it- that is what you have.

With pens- well- obviously you have to buy a LOT of them.... which I DO... haha!  I am a collector of every shape, size, color, and purpose of pen...

This is a fun thing to do with the pilot pens- Color mixing!!!  Seriously!  I used ONE pen... (the blue) and then touched the tip of it to the tip of a pen with a different color ink cartridge (pink) and then wrote... and it picked up the pink and then slowly fed the blue back in... which...obviously.... blended the colors.... Wow!  What fun!

At the moment I only have 4 pens- but 12 colors of inks..... guess I will have to purchase some MORE pens to accommodate my .... extensive color needs.... haha!  

Truthfully.... I still MOSTLY use black ink.... by far!!  But, stepping out to explore color is a fun diversion!


Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Long Weekend Wonderful!

Oh how I love the weekends!  Let me count the ways!!!

My husband went fishing... his form of entertainment.....

I could have cleaned house.  I could have unpacked boxes. I could have sorted things to get rid of....

I could have....

But instead I sat and played with my pens... yes I did!  Because I am quite sure that it is the equivalent fun that my husband was having that day.... and it was BLISS!!!    I pittered all the day long....

I played with color!  I played with texture!  I played with style!  Yep!  Gotta love it!!!

Here is a taste of it:

Saturday, February 18, 2017

Is it spring yet?

Wow! What a January! We had blizzard after blizzard! The amount of snow that came down was phenomenal! And then the cooooooold that followed....
We never saw such weather here! Crazy!

Then as quickly as it came... it went .... and it melted with a vengeance! Wow!

Needless to say... I am glad for the hint of spring in the air.... it is not here.... but it is is coming....

So I packed up all my winter things and started making some new spring ones.

Here is a sample of my work in progress:

I kind of went crazy with the Spring Theme.  So ready!

Sending happy thoughts your way!
