Who gets up at 2:30 in the morning because the holiday weekend is simply not long enough....
TIME!!! The constant battle to cram more in and to come out victorious! haha!
We have this three day weekend. I soooooo looked forward to it... kind of hoping to hit the reset button and catch up a little. Well, whose plan was THAT???
We are trying to move houses... after living in this one long enough to fill it full to the brim of absolutely "necessary" items.... Things we lovingly collected over the years. Things that we were happy to acquire after patience and hard work. Things that we made. Things that we were given. Things that bring memories flooding back by just seeing them again... Things that I want to KEEP.
And now we are wondering how to pack these THINGS... What to do with these THINGS that might no longer fit in the new place.....
Amid the sea of boxes and chaos, I sit--- trying to decided what to do with my TIME today to best make use of it....
and although I was exhausted enough to fall asleep instantly when I climbed into bed.... my hyper-drive brain thought it was important to solve the world's mysteries and woke me up to do so.....
After turning and staring at the clock with disbelief.... (it was BEFORE 2:30 a.m.)... and giving my brain a stern lecture about sleeping for at LEAST three more hours.... (but four would be better)..... I finally came to the realization that I had lost that battle..... and got up... so at least ONE person in this house could sleep...
and came out into the living room to grade papers..... it seemed like a million of them.... (mainly because there were about a million of them....more or less.)
I found out Friday that all the assessments that we did last week needed to be graded and decisions needed to be made as to which cute student was going to be heading to remediation on TUESDAY...... (ack! ..... might I say ACK!) So.... whose idea of fun was this??? haha!
Knowing that a crew of men are going to arrive today, expecting my house to be neatly packed and labeled in boxes... ready to load into the truck.... my hyper-drive brain reminded me that there would not be time (or energy) to get this grading ordeal accomplished later.....
Goodness gracious! I got that task done. I planned tomorrow so I don't 100 students staring at me wondering "What in the heck?".
So, off I go to begin a new wonderful day.... (before the crash and burn later.)
Maybe I will whip up some breakfast... "Who wants ham and eggs???"
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