Saturday, November 26, 2016

Happy Day

I am having the happiest of days..... It is nice and quiet... My husband has gone fishing and I am left to my own devices.... and I am loving it.   I am moving from this to that... and playing around at nothing.  I am tinkering with ideas and in no hurry to clean up or to fix a meal.... (there are LOTS of leftovers... so when I get hungry... I just open the fridge...)  

I am playing around with some new pens.... and then I am going to sew a little.... I need to .... I just need to because I miss it.... and I love to create things on that sewing machine..... we'll see where that takes me.... 

And I can't wait to get my paints out and play a bit too..... just because.... It makes me happy.... 

In the mean time.... I chalked this up..... 

and this....... 

and this.......... 

Have the happiest of days! 

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