Thursday, March 23, 2017

mixing it up

Here is a little thought for the day.  Try mixing up the styles of your lettering to add a little pizzazz...
Happy Friday Eve...

Sunday, March 19, 2017

learning new stuff!

Hurray!  Major breakthrough today!!!

I have been doing hand lettering for well over 30 years.... I love it!  I dream about it!  I research ideas for what to "say".....

But now, in today's digital world I am trying to update what I do to be able to be utilized online and for digital purposes.

So... I paid for the be big fat subscription to have the Adobe products to use.... yes... I had to swallow hard and then breathe when I took that step.... or.... LEAP of FAITH..... because I didn't know how to use any of it whatsoever.

Yesterday, I finally clicked on the right... I don't know what..... "button"  ????  or tab or whatever they are called.... and then somehow, somehow..... it just worked.... and I was able to, not only import one of my quickly sketched words... but then "clean it up" in illustrator.... and, VOILA',  make a jpg and and a png and a PDF.... (What the heck do these things even mean???? I don't know... but I do know that I needed all of them.) So.... with more than a little humility.... I am going to share this one simple word with you all....

AND I want to say.... DON'T GIVE UP!


Saturday, March 18, 2017

Super Saturday! Hurray!

I am soooo needing this... a day to just breathe!  A day to catch up with myself.

The weather is a bit warmer... hinting that someday soon we might be comfortable with the idea that we can assume that spring is here to stay....

I am going to draw a little.... paint a little..... work on the garage.... well..... maybe.... maybe....

but in any case... I am going to just enjoy this day!

Couldn't decide if I liked this one ... so I did another....  What do you think?

Well, either which way... have a lovely day! 


Thursday, March 16, 2017

St. Paddy's Day

So... here is the naked truth.... I love St. Patrick's Day.... LOVE it!   My absolute favorite holiday....

Yes... I am silly.....

Yes.... I am.....

But I crank up the music with some good Irish tunes... folk songs.... jigs.... ballads.... etc..... I drive in the car with the music turned up.. to get my Irish on....

I wear green.... of course.....

I usually have my students do some fabulous activities - writing about leprechauns, finding treats that the leprechauns brought us.... counting Lucky Charms and graphing them.... etc. etc. etc...... and we can't forget to read lovely stories to find out more about what leprechauns do....  
When we leave for the day, the children go home with their new found Irish accent... or a reasonable facsimile thereof..... haha!  

I got busy with some Irish sayings to brighten up your day!

I just couldn't decide which one I would like better.... so... I made them both...  

Have joy!

Friday, March 10, 2017

Getting to be that time

Hop to it!

Daylight Savings time is happening this weekend.... the saying is Spring Forward and Fall back.... so.... it must mean that SPRING is supposed to arrive.... soon.... already.... maybe?????

Let hop to it!  Get a Spring in your step..... Hop on down the bunny trail... etc.....


Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Wistful Thinking Wednesday

The ups and downs of the weather are making us all nuts-a-roonie!   Can it just be spring yet??? Apparently Mother Nature is having way too much fun stirring up the pot.  We have arrived to March... so.... as the saying goes... In like a Lion, Out like a Lamb......   We might have to realize that this is the "Lion" part.... just saying'    ....

Here are some other thoughts to share:

I tend to think that I DO have to be perfect... which means that I FAIL at everything.... because.... I am not....   So this is to remind me that .... I can be happy just doing what I do.... for now....

 A new little sketch.... any suggestions about what I should write??? (Can you tell that I am soooooo ready for Spring??? haha! )

Best Springy thoughts your way!

Thursday, March 2, 2017

Is it Spring yet????

Okay... I had a rough day at school.... I think the kids are feeling it too.... just sick and tired of winter... It was fun whilst it lasted... but really... enough is enough!  Enough of this snow and cold!!! Haha!!!
So... I am thinking SPRING!  I figure if I think it long enough and hard enough.... it will come....

This was my first doodlie-doo......

And this was the second.... so... I added the birdhouses for some serious chirping to happen........
Only.... it turns out... that I like the lettering on the first one better!  Haha!    Oh well, it is all good!