Monday, August 15, 2016

Summer, as we know it, is over....

It was good while it lasted... haha!  I had a wonderful summer this year.  I filled it with as much happiness as I could cram in.  

Today was the first Monday of 'Back to School' Meetings.... Usually they are long, long days where we sit too long and listen too much... where I remember vividly NOT to subject my students to this when they arrive.  

But today was different.  I completely and solidly enjoyed the day.   All of it... (well mostly)... 

I bumped into old friends and made new ones.  We chatted and talked about "school stuff" and it made the day fly by.  We turned it into a happy occasion.  

I came home actually looking forward to tomorrow.... same song... second verse...  

Here is my thought for today:  

And surely we will find it.  

This is my recurring theme.   I almost always default to it.
I would like to make these into note cards.

Hope you made your Monday a happy one!  Cheers! 

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