Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Summer, Summer, Summer!  Don't leave....!   

No, really- I have totally mixed emotions about this.  It started about 13 years ago..... Traditionally....okay.... my WHOLE LIFE.... I have hated summer.... I hate the heat.... that is the bottom line... the heat..... So I completely looked forward to.... longed for..... the coming of FALL.... 

and here I am in this big bag of mixed emotions.... 

What happened 13 years ago??? I became a teacher.... and THAT messed up the whole Love/Hate thing I have with the seasons.... It completely turned it upside down.... 

Like all teachers I kind of focus on the ebb and flow of the school year.... and it is the opposite of my own ebb and flow of the happy seasonal changes...  I want to be done with this heat... I want to be done with summer.... only... I don't want to give up the TIME .... that is the bottom line.   

I love the students and the learning we do together.... I really do.... but I dread having every waking, breathing minute taken over by the time this job of mine takes.... so..... 

it is a paradox.... that is all... 

Might as well go with the flow!  Thought for the day!  


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