Saturday, November 11, 2017

Getting my holiday groove on....

The weather is getting chilly.... (ok.... COLD- but chilly sounds nicer...)  and the Christmas music is on the radio..... (yes they skipped over Thanksgiving- but how many Thanksgiving songs are there for the radio????  Just sayin')   So, each night I have been sitting with my pens and doodling my Christmas mood.....  

I love the seasons and ... am fairly tingling with excitement for this one.... No... not the gifts and stuff.... just the feeling.... that hot cocoa and peppermint feeling.... That frosty breath in the morning and snuggling under blankets in the evening feeling....

When I was a stay at home mom I loved each detail of each holiday and season.... Now that my "at home" time is measured in "how many Saturdays until....... ", I have to focus on just a few.  So... Christmas it is.....

(YES- I DID do LOTS of thankful thoughts......  LOADS of them...... look on my previous posts this month.... )  

But I have officially turned the corner- winter is on it's way...

Well.... it is .....   

Get your Jolly on!!  
Get your Happy Holidays on! 


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