Wednesday, August 24, 2016

First Day Hurrah

I am determined to stay current with my posts - so today is going to be kind of short and sweet.  

First Day of Middle School!  WooHoo!  It went by like a flash!  
I was not sure what to expect, but neither did those cute 6th graders.  We had a great time.  

and.... Boy am I tired!  haha!  As the saying goes:  "Ain't no tired like first day of teaching tired!"  

But it's all good.  

Saturday, August 20, 2016

how time flies

I have been in back to school meetings all week. They have been the bum numbing long days.  Terrific information... and information that I wanted to know... but.... still.... a long week.  I have only done ONE little sketch.... ONE..... but on the other hand, I did, quite by chance, find the sketchbook that I was doodling in last summer.... and no surprise here- it completely is still applicable this year..... haha!  

I went from 2nd grade to 5th last year.... big jump.... new room, new grade... new experiences..... 

This year I not only moved from 5th to 6th.... but 6th is in middle school- not elementary... and gulp.... I am hoping that my eyes don't look as wide and frightened as my new group of students' eyes.... 

Still.... Change is good..... Change is good..... Challenges make us grow in ways we never knew we needed...  

Cheers!   Have a lovely day!!! 

Monday, August 15, 2016

Summer, as we know it, is over....

It was good while it lasted... haha!  I had a wonderful summer this year.  I filled it with as much happiness as I could cram in.  

Today was the first Monday of 'Back to School' Meetings.... Usually they are long, long days where we sit too long and listen too much... where I remember vividly NOT to subject my students to this when they arrive.  

But today was different.  I completely and solidly enjoyed the day.   All of it... (well mostly)... 

I bumped into old friends and made new ones.  We chatted and talked about "school stuff" and it made the day fly by.  We turned it into a happy occasion.  

I came home actually looking forward to tomorrow.... same song... second verse...  

Here is my thought for today:  

And surely we will find it.  

This is my recurring theme.   I almost always default to it.
I would like to make these into note cards.

Hope you made your Monday a happy one!  Cheers! 

Friday, August 12, 2016

Itching for fall

I woke up this last Friday of summer vacation determined to get one more good day of enjoyment in.  I drew and sketched and colored and totally loved every moment.  
The cool, crisp air that came rushing in when I opened the door made me itch for fall...  and inspired me.  Here is what I came up with today.  
I did the sketch happily dreaming about fall.... and I couldn't decide what words would fit it best.... so I copied my original and tried out a few sayings that were floating around in my head..... then I colored them.... I often don't color my sketches but today.... it felt right... Here is what I came up with.  

Tell me what you think?  What do you like the best?  


Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Summer, Summer, Summer!  Don't leave....!   

No, really- I have totally mixed emotions about this.  It started about 13 years ago..... Traditionally....okay.... my WHOLE LIFE.... I have hated summer.... I hate the heat.... that is the bottom line... the heat..... So I completely looked forward to.... longed for..... the coming of FALL.... 

and here I am in this big bag of mixed emotions.... 

What happened 13 years ago??? I became a teacher.... and THAT messed up the whole Love/Hate thing I have with the seasons.... It completely turned it upside down.... 

Like all teachers I kind of focus on the ebb and flow of the school year.... and it is the opposite of my own ebb and flow of the happy seasonal changes...  I want to be done with this heat... I want to be done with summer.... only... I don't want to give up the TIME .... that is the bottom line.   

I love the students and the learning we do together.... I really do.... but I dread having every waking, breathing minute taken over by the time this job of mine takes.... so..... 

it is a paradox.... that is all... 

Might as well go with the flow!  Thought for the day!  


Saturday, August 6, 2016

Summer Saturday

A lovely summer Saturday.... 

Pittering in the garden.... 

Heading over to the Farmer's Market....... 

Buying some new dishes..... 

A lovely summer Saturday.... 

decidedly so. 

Monday, August 1, 2016

some more happy thoughts

I love looking at the world through the medium of words.  The art adds a little happy glow to them as well.  

 Look at things with cheerful thoughts. 

This is where I am RIGHT NOW!  Start DOING!  

Good morning Monday! Today is August 1st!  Is summer ever flying by!  I hate the heat but dread for summer to end. I have spent such fun days this summer.  I have worked so much on my art work that it is finally filling my cup.  I have decided to start marketing my designs on Etsy....   I have worked on my Teachers Pay Teachers store.... and let's just throw in building a house, moving, changing to a new job/new grade/new town/new everything.....   Yep it is grand!

I mostly doodle in black ink... but I thought ... since I have a passion for color..... a PASSION for color... that maybe.... maybe I should actually USE some of the million colors that I collect.  

or..... maybe not..... haha!! 

Do you hold your breath like I do??? I sometimes concentrate so hard that I forget to ... just breathe.... 

This is my focus today.  Cheers!     

The love of words

A few more little samples. I am still playing around with designs.  I love using words as art ... But I have to connect to those words... They have to speak to me...     I finished these last night.  It is what I have been thinking.  Don't we all struggle with knowing who we are, what we want to be... and if we are good enough?   I am finally getting to the point where I am ready to share my artwork.