Sunday, October 29, 2017

Good Hearted

I am loving being home alone this morning.  The sun is bright and cheery and the quiet is blissful.  I remember the days when I was home full time- with my little ones... I would put some laundry in (always laundry... always laundry!)  and then I would clear up breakfast and get started on the dinner... in the crockpot or get a casserole made... and bread... nothing like fresh bread ... Most days I would get a batch of bread going to feed those kids when they got home from school, to take to a sick friend or a mom with a new little one.... yes.... always bread.

Then, after a morning of being busy tidying my little nest, I would head to my designated project(s)....  I sewed or painted or cut wood or handstitched..... every.... single...... day.......   I had tables set up in my dark, damp basement... that I optimistically call "the craft room"......  (Sometimes it was called a living room.... sometimes a bedroom.... but almost always.... "the craft room")......
I had it set up with 'in progress' types of projects..... So one area had tables of neatly stacked sewing projects (with my NOTES- to remind me what I was doing with what)... Each project in various stages of completeness.    In the same room but in a different corning was my painting area... where I taught classes... or just did my own thing....   I sold things at craft fairs.  I was hired by interior designers to paint murals.  I painted CLOTHING for unique, one of kind stores....  I LOVED it.   I loved waking up to the happy anticipation of what fun I was going to get up to that day....   My kids followed me around and sat on my lap as I created.   I jumped up to move the laundry as needed.  I strolled past the kitchen and enjoyed the lovely aromas of home cooked meals in progress.

This morning reminded me of that time....   Well..... the laundry part, anyway.... haha!!  I also did dishes and swept the floor and changed the sheets and hauled out the trash..... haha!!!


I sat at my tiny workstation and did a bit of artwork.  Enough to warm my cockles a bit.
black and white sketch 

Hint of blue 

Hint of pink 
Just a little...


Friday, October 27, 2017

Waiting, waiting

What do you do while you are waiting???

I had a professional development training meeting yesterday.  I arrived on time but they were not ready yet   "early" and had some time.  I went outside to enjoy the gloriously beautiful fall day.  Perfectly PERFECT weather.... but we know that is not going to last.... winter is waiting... just around the corner....   and I love winter.... I really do.... but just.not.YET!  
So my thoughts went to the fact that this month is almost gone!  seriously??? I waited SOOOO long for October to arrive and .... now it is slipping into NOvEmBEr!!

Well.... what's not to like about November???? I love it too!  Just surprised that it has arrived so soon.  

I brought this pad to take "notes".  It came in handy. 

I like this version-  all cleaned up and lovely. 
And then, of course.... the colors of November!    

Have a wonderful, almost November sort of day....


Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Random musings

Just like everyone, I live in a constant struggle for time.   I have SOOOOO many things that I love to do and SOOOOOO many things that I have HAVE to do... that sometimes... it is hard to find balance..... My plate is full.... hahaha!  My plate spilleth over!   I don't get to pick what spills off my to do list .... Life crowds in!  haha!   But I wake up the next morning with a FRESH NEW DAY and I make my NEW and IMPROVED list..... and hope for the best..... 
That is the way of it.... So... today.... I wish you all...   HOPE!   


Sunday, October 22, 2017

Pumpkin Bread! Yum!

I got my apron on and headed to the kitchen.  I stirred up some pumpkin bread and it turned out heavenly.  Who needs a recipe anyway??? haha!  Well... I made up the recipe... but I wrote it down so I could remember it NEXT time I wanted to make it.   I think it was the best I ever made!!

I used my best "teacher writing" to create this recipe.  I made the font to use in my classroom but I think it goes just fine on this as well.  Added by signature doodles and there it is.   



Friday, October 20, 2017

Retail Therapy!

Hurray for a day off!   I, of course, headed straight to town to "browse around" the craft stores...... hahaha......

It was fabulous!  I felt that.... something.... that excitement..... the prospect of MAKING......

I found a few things that followed me home......   just a few..... dozen.....

Just a few.... wants   NEEDS ! 

I ALWAYS need some lovely pens.... these are the softest, subtle-ist colors imaginable!  I am very fond of ZIG pens.... I have hundreds of them...... (actually, really, not kidding!)   We are good friends!  

Delicious pastel brush tips!  

Flat tip calligraphy markers.... 
I must confess..... I could NOT leave without these calligraphy markers.  Look at these COLORS!   YUM!  
I really do love the Calligraphy tip the best.  It is my old standby.  I was doing calligraphy long before it was a "thing".... Now there is "faux" calligraphy... which means "fake" calligraphy... and for those of us who were around when penmanship was taught in school.... call it CURSIVE..... hahahahaha!!!!  And now, it has been elevated to a NEW level.... that we would have called 
(and I will admit.... I totally do IT too!)   

JUST PERFECT for my purse.... in case I have a hand lettering emergency!!!  It could happen.... 

So it is FUN to be in vogue....

It is more fun.... to just let it FLOW!!!  
Mad for PLAID!!!  
OH, and what trip to the store would be complete without a PILE of PLAIDS!!!  I am sooooo excited to get started on these projects!!! (whatever they turn out to be.... haha! )  Just LOOKING at them fills me with excitement!   


Thursday, October 19, 2017

Some thoughts

And other thoughts that come to my mind....

I love lettering... here are a few:

just a sketch... 
Have a cup of happy! 

pumpkins on my mind 

A little joy!

Or a LOT of joy!  When we first moved here, having a "fall break" was a new and unique concept.  I thought it was sort of silly- we had just gotten into the swing of things at school and had already some days off due to conferences and such...     but NOW..... as a teacher instead of as a parent..... I rejoice in having a few days off to just catch my breath.  

I STILL got up at crack of dawn.... because my body thinks it is the thing to do.....

but- today- it is because I am sooooo excited to do some of the things that I love to do but never seem to have the time for..... I am getting out paints.... I am going to play the piano.....(badly).... I am going to read..... I am going to ..... (wait for it.... wait for it..................)   CLEAN!!!  

Oh yes!  today will be a great day...... (and then there is tomorrow....... the possibilities are endless!

So.... let the fun begin!

Woo Hoo!

Positive!! Positive! Positive!!  

It is okay to step out of the same old routine.... Do it!  

Yes!  leap!  

Saturday, October 14, 2017

Time to step out of my comfort zone

Time to move forward... .time to branch out.... time to explore .

I am going to open an Etsy shop.... Next WEEKEND is my plan....

It is HARD to step out of the comfort zone.... Hard to put myself out there.   I love doodle-i-dooing.... but does anyone else love my doodles???  Enough to buy them???  I guess we shall see.....


Time to head into new places 

You might fly!  

Thursday, October 12, 2017

Branching out...

I love the art of lettering.... I have been lettering for over 30 years.... seriously!  Weddings.... posters...... hand-drawn invitations..... birthday greetings.... thank you notes.... cards of all kinds.... etc.......  I love playing with my PENS best..... I love PAINTING words on signs and notes as well......
I tend to focus a lot on words... what I want to SAY and the art in the letters......

That being said.... I almost compartmentalize my word art..... hyperfocus......

Still...... I am an artist at heart.... I play with color and texture... collage.... fabric.... many, many forms of exciting creativity.......

So.... this week I have been trying to step out of my hyperfocus mode and step into COLOR..... a little dab here and there.... keeps life interesting.  

Hope this October day is lovely!!!  

Breathe in that Magical Crisp Fall Air!  

A dreamy farm fresh day

Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Wistful Wednesday

I am up early... as usual.... but I love the quiet of the early morning.  I create during the solitude.

The cold, crisp air is refreshing.... to some it might be numbing.... but for me..... happy thoughts.... wistful thoughts....  

I love the soft hint of mystery on this one.  
Today, this is what is on my mind....

This one makes me feel the tingle of excitement.   
  Have a wonderful Wednesday!

Monday, October 9, 2017

Is it time yet????

I am getting my Halloween groove on.  I am excited to get started on making costumes... in the meantime......  I am having a bit of doodling fun.


Monday, October 2, 2017

Must Be Monday

Up and at 'em .... at 5 a.m.   What !  yes... every day.... but now that school doesn't start until 9:15-  it means I have hours to enjoy... and I do enjoy them.

I love the quiet of the mornings alone.  I love the cool of the October weather.   This is going to be a nice day.

Lovely, lovely!  


Sunday, October 1, 2017