Thursday, October 19, 2017

A little joy!

Or a LOT of joy!  When we first moved here, having a "fall break" was a new and unique concept.  I thought it was sort of silly- we had just gotten into the swing of things at school and had already some days off due to conferences and such...     but NOW..... as a teacher instead of as a parent..... I rejoice in having a few days off to just catch my breath.  

I STILL got up at crack of dawn.... because my body thinks it is the thing to do.....

but- today- it is because I am sooooo excited to do some of the things that I love to do but never seem to have the time for..... I am getting out paints.... I am going to play the piano.....(badly).... I am going to read..... I am going to ..... (wait for it.... wait for it..................)   CLEAN!!!  

Oh yes!  today will be a great day...... (and then there is tomorrow....... the possibilities are endless!

So.... let the fun begin!

Woo Hoo!

Positive!! Positive! Positive!!  

It is okay to step out of the same old routine.... Do it!  

Yes!  leap!  

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