Friday, October 27, 2017

Waiting, waiting

What do you do while you are waiting???

I had a professional development training meeting yesterday.  I arrived on time but they were not ready yet   "early" and had some time.  I went outside to enjoy the gloriously beautiful fall day.  Perfectly PERFECT weather.... but we know that is not going to last.... winter is waiting... just around the corner....   and I love winter.... I really do.... but just.not.YET!  
So my thoughts went to the fact that this month is almost gone!  seriously??? I waited SOOOO long for October to arrive and .... now it is slipping into NOvEmBEr!!

Well.... what's not to like about November???? I love it too!  Just surprised that it has arrived so soon.  

I brought this pad to take "notes".  It came in handy. 

I like this version-  all cleaned up and lovely. 
And then, of course.... the colors of November!    

Have a wonderful, almost November sort of day....


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