Thursday, October 12, 2017

Branching out...

I love the art of lettering.... I have been lettering for over 30 years.... seriously!  Weddings.... posters...... hand-drawn invitations..... birthday greetings.... thank you notes.... cards of all kinds.... etc.......  I love playing with my PENS best..... I love PAINTING words on signs and notes as well......
I tend to focus a lot on words... what I want to SAY and the art in the letters......

That being said.... I almost compartmentalize my word art..... hyperfocus......

Still...... I am an artist at heart.... I play with color and texture... collage.... fabric.... many, many forms of exciting creativity.......

So.... this week I have been trying to step out of my hyperfocus mode and step into COLOR..... a little dab here and there.... keeps life interesting.  

Hope this October day is lovely!!!  

Breathe in that Magical Crisp Fall Air!  

A dreamy farm fresh day

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