Friday, October 20, 2017

Retail Therapy!

Hurray for a day off!   I, of course, headed straight to town to "browse around" the craft stores...... hahaha......

It was fabulous!  I felt that.... something.... that excitement..... the prospect of MAKING......

I found a few things that followed me home......   just a few..... dozen.....

Just a few.... wants   NEEDS ! 

I ALWAYS need some lovely pens.... these are the softest, subtle-ist colors imaginable!  I am very fond of ZIG pens.... I have hundreds of them...... (actually, really, not kidding!)   We are good friends!  

Delicious pastel brush tips!  

Flat tip calligraphy markers.... 
I must confess..... I could NOT leave without these calligraphy markers.  Look at these COLORS!   YUM!  
I really do love the Calligraphy tip the best.  It is my old standby.  I was doing calligraphy long before it was a "thing".... Now there is "faux" calligraphy... which means "fake" calligraphy... and for those of us who were around when penmanship was taught in school.... call it CURSIVE..... hahahahaha!!!!  And now, it has been elevated to a NEW level.... that we would have called 
(and I will admit.... I totally do IT too!)   

JUST PERFECT for my purse.... in case I have a hand lettering emergency!!!  It could happen.... 

So it is FUN to be in vogue....

It is more fun.... to just let it FLOW!!!  
Mad for PLAID!!!  
OH, and what trip to the store would be complete without a PILE of PLAIDS!!!  I am sooooo excited to get started on these projects!!! (whatever they turn out to be.... haha! )  Just LOOKING at them fills me with excitement!   


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