Then, after a morning of being busy tidying my little nest, I would head to my designated project(s).... I sewed or painted or cut wood or handstitched..... every.... single...... day....... I had tables set up in my dark, damp basement... that I optimistically call "the craft room"...... (Sometimes it was called a living room.... sometimes a bedroom.... but almost always.... "the craft room")......
I had it set up with 'in progress' types of projects..... So one area had tables of neatly stacked sewing projects (with my NOTES- to remind me what I was doing with what)... Each project in various stages of completeness. In the same room but in a different corning was my painting area... where I taught classes... or just did my own thing.... I sold things at craft fairs. I was hired by interior designers to paint murals. I painted CLOTHING for unique, one of kind stores.... I LOVED it. I loved waking up to the happy anticipation of what fun I was going to get up to that day.... My kids followed me around and sat on my lap as I created. I jumped up to move the laundry as needed. I strolled past the kitchen and enjoyed the lovely aromas of home cooked meals in progress.
This morning reminded me of that time.... Well..... the laundry part, anyway.... haha!! I also did dishes and swept the floor and changed the sheets and hauled out the trash..... haha!!!
I sat at my tiny workstation and did a bit of artwork. Enough to warm my cockles a bit.
black and white sketch |
Hint of blue |
Hint of pink |
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