After feeling like I was melting, melting, melting these past few weeks..... In the HOT, HOT, HOT weather.... and working in a school with NO air conditioning... (yes... really)......
This BREATH of fall air makes my heart rejoice!
I have had a quiet morning to myself... and feeling all energized by the cool breeze ... I headed out to the front porch to tidy things up a bit. I emptied pots of flowers that were way beyond their prime..... (dried to the bone....) and I tucked away the garden knick knacks for the winter ahead... They prefer the "warmth" of the garage.... and I swept and cleaned.... and .... tidied...
Then I tiptoed down to the basement to find the plastic tubs where I had stashed my beloved fall things..... It is such a delight to open the bins and find my old friends there waiting for me. I don't use them all.... I rotate them from year to year... where the mood takes me.... but... oh! I just get giddy with taking each thing out and enjoying them... auditioning them for the spaces that can be given a touch of fall pleasure..... and deciding.... which to use this year.... which to tuck away again.... and.... which to...maybe..... pull out in a few weeks....
Some are like old friends... that I created long ago... but love. still.
Some reflect my personality..... all twiggy and full of birdhouses..... and of course... my scarecrows... who are too cute to scare anything.
And then the porch. Oh... I LOVE having a porch now!
And of course.... I had to make something NEW to add to the fun this year.
(Did I mention that I LOVE having a PORCH!!)
Hoping today finds you breezy and happy!
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