Thursday, September 28, 2017

Thursday musings

Today I realized that I should share my classroom fun times.  I love to doodle on the board when we are exploring a topic.

This year we went straight from the oven (85 degrees in our UN AIR CONDITIONED classrooms) to.... FALL!  So... with it.... I leaped straight from BACK TO SCHOOL thoughts of procedures and expectations.... to.... PUMPKINS!

Yes... I totally hopped, skipped, and JUMPED right over the standard "apples" and "bees" that I usually begin with...

Finally, that fresh cool breeze blew in and made me think it was fall.... at least for the moment.... in a blink... Old Man Winter will blow in and we will be talking about the deep freeze that will blanket our every waking breathing thought...... but for now.... for a moment...  


My students are so excited about this... I have been tiptoeing in with a pumpkin a day and we have been reading fiction and non-fiction books about the topic.... and.... as I am prone to do.... I could not even HELP myself ..... I sketched a little on the board.....

Thought I would share....

Breathing happy FALL THOUGHTS!


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