Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Wonderful Wednesday

I love Wednesdays.  I just do.   Some say it is "hump day"- heralding the fact it is the middle of the week.... I think it is HOPE day.... that I can see the light at the end of the tunnel.... I can see the TUNNEL...... I have made it this far.... I have.... HOPE... haha!

Just silly thoughts...

I have been jumping out of bed before 5 in the mornings so that I can get to "work" on whatever floats in my mind in that pre-dawn not quite slumber, where my creative thoughts like to flow even though I tell them to BE QUIET and sleep a while longer....   They pay me no heed.... so.... I stop fighting them.... and found it to be more peaceful to just lay there with my eyes closed.... and let my thoughts wander.... until they find a place that catches my attention..... and then ... my heart races a moment and I leap up.... anxious to get them down on paper.... or... on the computer.... or....

yes.... those creative thoughts take me places that make me happy....

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